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Our Story

How we brew our pure, German lagers

  1. Weighing and milling of the malt: The kernels are cracked, maintaining coarseness of the husk while pulverizing the flour.
  2. Holding and transferring: The milled malt is held in the grist hopper for transfer to the mash tun.
  3. Mashing: Heating the cracked malt with water for programmed times at specified temperatures.
  4. Lautering: Separating the liquid (sweet wort) from the solid matter.
  5. Boiling: Boiling the sweet wort with hops.
  6. Cooling: Cooling the hopped wort.
  7. Primary Fermentation: The cold, hopped wort is held at 9°C for 7-9 days. The yeast converts the extract into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  8. Secondary fermentation: This aging process, also referred to as lagering, occurs at near freezing temperatures over a period of 4-6 weeks. Byproducts of the primary fermentation are gradually broken down. The beer is held under pressure and natural carbonation occurs.
  9. Filtration: Any yeast remaining in suspension is removed.
  10. Dispensing: The beer is tapped from serving vessels.